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My Studies

Education: Education

August 2015 - December 2020 (expected)

Michigan Technological University, Ph.D (Acoustics)

•Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis (MEEM 4701)
•Sustainable Futures 1 (MEEM 5510)
•Analytical Vibroacoustics (MEEM 5702)
•Acoustics and Noise Control (MEEM 4704)
•Experimental Vibroacoustics (MEEM 5703)
•Digital Signal Processing (MEEM 5700)

August 2010 - August 2013

University of Colorado, Boulder, Masters (Mechanical Engineering)

•Applied Mathematics
•Environmental Law
•Project Management Systems
•Air Pollution Control
•Fluid Mechanics
•HVAC Systems

•Hands on experience in CFD analysis using ICEM CFD and AVL FIRE.
•Worked on design projects using Solidworks.


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